Buyer's Guide on choice of Timber for furniture manufacturing ::: Sustainable Timber Resources, Let us transform your space from concept to completion...all within budget!for more information on how to get our services text 619) 535-8487 or Email

Monday, 26 August 2013

Timber transport provides the link between the forest harvesting and the mill.


Timber transport provides the link between the forest harvesting and the mill. This operation is of great economic importance: in the northern hemisphere it accounts for 40 to 60% of the total wood procurement cost at the mill (excluding stumpage), and in the tropics the proportion is even higher. The basic factors affecting timber transport include: the size of the operation; the geographic locations of the forest and the mill as well as the distance between them; the assortment of timber for which the mill is designed; and the kinds of transportation that are available and suitable.

raw timber will sit for months at a sawmill before it is processed.

Sometimes, raw timber will sit for months at a sawmill before it is processed. Some mills do this to ensure that they have a stockpile of salable wood, while others simply fell so much that they cannot handle it all at once in the mill. During the winter off season, when it is difficult and dangerous to work in the woods, this stockpile may be processed into boards, wood chips, and other forest products. If left too long, the timber can start to rot, which is something that most companies try to avoid.

No extra precautions are taken during its machining to manufacture furniture.

Mahogany timber is generally straight grained timber and it is free of voids & pockets. It has excellent workability as furniture manufacturing raw material and it is very durable. Its machining is very easy. No extra precautions are taken during its machining to manufacture furniture. These properties have made it popular to manufacture furniture.

Mahogany Timber is a good timber for furniture manufacturing

Mahogany Timber is a good timber for furniture manufacturing. It is medium hard wood. It is mainly available in South Asian Countries like India, Bangladesh, and Nepal etc. It is more popular timber in Bangladesh.  A lot of Bangladeshi & Indian furniture manufacturing companies are using Mahogany timber in its furniture manufacturing. It is wood worm protective if it is matured and properly seasoned by Kiln Dryer. Color of Mahogany timber is brown to reddish.

North American Red Oak trees

I will describe on other furniture manufacturing timbers Red Oak, Mahogany and Mango. These Three timbers are frequently used for wooden furniture manufacturing. They have wonderful properties for using as raw material for furniture manufacturing. They are mostly used in Indian Zone and in this zone; it is more popular in Bangladesh. Most of the Bangladeshi Brand Furniture manufacturing companies (Example: Hatil Furniture, Otobi Furniture, Partex Furniture. Navana Furniture, Akhter Furnishers & Brothers Furniture) use these three timbers to produce furniture.

Red Oak Timber:

Sunday, 25 August 2013

our high quality raw material

Our raw materials come from the local forests. oksilvercastle Timber uses approximately 420.000 m3 timber/year, where 90% is spruce and 10% pine. While the sawn timber we deliver is produced according to the quality and length our customers require, we strive to acquire timber that suits these requirements directly from the forest. We check supplies against our price list and length corrections. This means that our timber suppliers must adapt their timber according to our pricelist before felling in order to make the best fit. Please contact us

Sustainable Timber Resources

Continued increases in demand for wood raw-material from sawmills, plywood plants and pulp mills in Africa has pushed domestic log prices upward and many American companies are increasingly exploring the opportunities of importing more logs and wood chips to supplement the domestic fiber sources.

The tight log supply has resulted in higher prices for domestically sourced logs this year. American fir sawlogs prices were almost 17 percent higher in the 2Q/10 as compared to the same quarter in 2009, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly (WRQ). Eucalyptus logs, mainly used by the pulp industry, have also become more expensive the past 12 months, reaching new record-highs.